Sunday, January 7, 2001
10:37 p.m. A serendipitous
piece of email this morning has given me much to think about
all day today as I went about my ordinary routines of
scanning, daydreaming, worrying, planning, scanning, reading
... worrying, planning.
One of my companions in the writing biz has come up with
an idea, a key idea, that helps to correctly line up many of
the worries and plans I've been thinking about. The gears
are meshing and a whole new paradigm is emerging.
Can I say, exactly, what it is? Not right this minute,
but soon. Can I say that it's exciting and exhilarating and
altogether wonderful? Sure -- that I can say. Soon, you
won't be able to shut me up, but for now, I'll keep it under
my hat.
Meanwhile, as I knew I would, I shamed myself with all
that talk of yoga yesterday. I woke up this morning knowing
that I was going to have to make good on the idle boast that
I could do yoga, I should do yoga, I would do yoga ... if
So, I gathered up my small cadre of books on yoga and
brought them here to this machine so that I can surround
myself with the knowledge of the masters and read a little
more and a little more (while I run that blasted scanner),
and then when I've read enough, then (and only then) will I
assume the position.
I'm a little afraid of confronting my stiffness and my
lack of balance and my shallow, labored breathing, if you
want to know the truth. However, I've rationalized that my
out-of-shape condition gives me a unique chance to prove
that I can improve ... and to be able to look back and
laugh, assuming I can look back the way I used to be able to
-- a break to investigate gunshots
Yeah -- it happens. Every now and then. The distinctive
sounds of automatic weaponry and tonight, two isolated
pop-pops. Sounded rather close, actually. This is a city and
sometimes you have to hit the decks.
The walls of the houses are not very thick around here
because it doesn't really get cold enough to bother with
much more than chicken wire and thin lathe and a schmear of
plaster. Thus, if you really think you're hearing a bit of
warfare in the streets, it's probably a good idea to get
down on your belly and shimmy across the floor.
Urban yoga! It's a lifesaver.