(Perforated Lines--you can't resist 'em)

(a rainy day)

(left arrow) Wednesday, January 10, 2001 (right arrow)


10:35 p.m. It started out very slow this afternoon -- just an overcast sky and a few sprinkles. Thought it might blow over ... but instead, we're in for a pretty big storm around these parts. Gale-force winds, they say. Waves cresting at 28 feet.

We'll see. Meanwhile, here's what it means here inside: lots and lots of cooking and a whole lot of leaks springing here and there. Wipe up the floor, wipe down the bureau, lay down the towels and move the potted plants.

We had a nice candle-lit dinner as the wind howled and the storm pummeled the room and if the electricity had gone out, it wouldn't matter too much because the dinner was already cooked and warmed and eaten and the wine was already chilled and poured and drunk.

So, we're snug and tucked as we wait for the next phase of the big storm. I thought I'd better get on the machine and post something in the way of a how-de-do before the electricity does, indeed, blink out.

We've been eating the Y2K supplies for the last few days, working through the canned goods and the bottled water and the largish stocks of rice and beans. It will be the ultimate irony if I get to the end of the supplies just in time for a series of storms and economic crisis.

It's hard to worry with a full stomach, however. Instead, I think I'll just open an umbrella and make my way upstairs to the rain room and get some sleep. Last night was a long night. Tonight looks to be a wet one. It usually doesn't rain in Southern California, but when it does, man ... you know the rest of the tune.



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(left dancer) all verbiage © Nancy Hayfield Birnes (right dancer)