(Perforated Lines--you can't resist 'em)

(all on a roll)
(left arrow) Wednesday, January 17, 2001 (right arrow)


10:53 a.m. Mornings are better. Mornings are the best. I love the morning ... love, love, love the morning. I always get the big ideas, the enthusiasm to start and to finish, to clean things up, and to make sense out of all the little troubles and problems that I abandoned the night before.

This morning? I'm going to hunt up the original scanner software so I can (try to) reinstall my drivers. That should solve one of the problems of this artwork dearth here at perforatedlines.com. It shouldn't be too hard to find the original floppies, I hope. I've been working on organizing them ...

... which brings up the next stumbling block I face each evening: no new photos. The batteries are shot, maybe. Maybe. Because I can't really believe that a battery is out of "juice" just because the camera won't work, I have the beginnings of a nut-case tendency to save all the old batteries.

I know it looks bad, but I have a drawer-full of them and it's not a very big leap from batteries to stacks of newspaper and cleaned out tin cans to the ceiling. But -- a "dead" battery seems to weigh the same in the hand as a new one, so if it's really juice in there, well -- it should weigh less when it's empty, right?

Plus, I think if they roll around a bit as I open and close the drawer, they might want to rethink their status and let me take a few more photos. The worse this is -- this will probably work, thus prolonging my insanity.

Next -- those envelopes that come in the mail with bills: save them or toss them? They really pile up, and I have a lot of stickers that I could put over the offending address ... and thus maybe save -- what? $1.50 a year? Still, envelopes are a hard item for me to throw away. They are just too cute and efficient and neat.

OK -- I just tried the camera and it works! I took a photo of the batteries and a photo of the floppy disks. Haha! Now all I have to do is find the drivers for the camera setup and try to suck those photos out and into my machine and I will have two new images to display for today.

All brought to you courtesy of the morning and the bright sunshine and the unbounding leap of faith that it inspires.

(all in a row)

12:21 a.m. As you can clearly see, the camera worked! And I was able to get the camera drivers to move those photos onto the system -- another small piece of the puzzle has been tamped into place. Last, but not least, I was even able to get one of my printers to work today -- only two more to go, plus the scanner, which remains stubborn.

I'm definitely going to write in the daytime again, if I possibly can. I had a brain this morning and all I have on top of my eyes tonight is a pile of hair. Not a thought in sight -- so I'll pick up the thread tomorrow.

Manyanna. Poor Chiquita Banana! Is there no company that's safe?



(spinning balls)

search? hello? notify? map? old? index?

Shadow Lawn Press Cheaper and Better iBachelor

yesterday Januarytomorrow?

(left dancer) all verbiage © Nancy Hayfield Birnes (right dancer)