(Perforated Lines--you can't resist 'em)

(am I lucky or what?)
(left arrow) Friday, January 19, 2001 (right arrow)


1:47 p.m. So, with a lot of jiggling and re-starting, I have my scanner back again. Now when I don't have the appropriate photo, I can scan in the almost-as-appropriate ephemera and be done with it. I have a huge and fabulous collection of all kinds of pieces of old art, and the funny thing is -- some of it is younger than me.

2:21 a.m. The day, as they say, got away. Sneaky little critter. I'm still tinkering with email programs and problems, trying to cobble together the perfect one. You may laugh at my little Musashi, but it comes the closest. It's nearly perfect, and I will drop this subject now. I know when I'm not the only one yawning.

I did, in fact, go out on the actual sidewalks and streets today, for the first time in a really long time. Everything was pretty much as I'd last left it -- sky still above, grass still below, fancy little aprons of front yards carefully fluffed and turned out.

My blinking batteries are still holding out and I took a few photos. We're still holding out on the market experiment as we come to the five-week mark. The freezer is nearly empty and the refrigerator is roomy and ready and I'm down to the strangest (to me) of my ingredients. Imagine my chagrin when I finally faced the one and only can of chickpeas that I've had for absolutely ever and ...

... dang if it didn't turn into the most amazing hummus, even without tahini. I did have a little sesame oil that I used instead, but really. All this time -- I just didn't bother. Now, I'm actually going to have to buy more of them because it was so good.

Needless to say, needless to say -- the dreaded diet will probably be my next big project.



(spinning balls)

search? hello? notify? map? old? index?

Shadow Lawn Press Cheaper and Better iBachelor

yesterday Januarytomorrow?

(left dancer) all verbiage © Nancy Hayfield Birnes (right dancer)