(Perforated Lines--you can't resist 'em)

(setting up shop)

(left arrow) Monday, January 29, 2001 (right arrow)


11:57 p.m. A really good day, today. Really good. Productive! I got a whole lot of important stuff done, behind-the-scenes though it may be.

For example, I finally stopped researching and settled on a new hosting service for our company website. This decision also meant that I would have to brave the chaos at Domain Name Systems or the Domain Name Registry or -- I know -- Network Solutions. Which I did, yup. I did.

Just watch -- shadowlawnpress.com will suddenly wink out of existence now that I've alerted those powers that be krazy that I wanted to move. It feels like moving a living anthill.

And if that wasn't enough, next I decided on a full-scale all-out big-time storefront that I now have to build myself, but ok. I can do it, maybe I can. The domain may transfer smoothly now that I learned how to set up all the emails correctly ... the storefront may open without a hitch and I'm just a total whiz here, flipping short-orders and egg yolks around with gay abandon. Or not.

I also fixed up a thousand broken links in the main corporate site, in preparation for the big move. I've done it all today.

But enough about the dweezle part of the day.

I also felt much, much better, thank you for asking! Carried giant loads of laundry from one end of the house to the other. Scrubbed portions of floors! Played barber with Igor. Vacuumed far corners -- and I did all this between uploading the entire site to its new tent.

Now for the hard part -- making the site come alive. Making ebooks that people might want to buy.

Tomorrow. All that's tomorrow. I'll do it all, tomorrow.



(spinning balls)

search? hello? notify? map? old? index?

Shadow Lawn Press Cheaper and Better iBachelor

yesterday Januarytomorrow?

(left dancer) all verbiage © Nancy Hayfield Birnes (right dancer)