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-- May 2000 --

(pretty pink flowers) 



01. Oh, it's merry, all right.

02. Behind every house is another house.

03. Eight months to perfect health.

04. It's a jungle in here.

05. When Jupiter aligns with Mars ...

06. Another Saturday night and.

07. I've got my ducks in a row.

08. And I'm going to the dogs.

09. No man is an island.

10. I'd rather be a hammer.

11. Pings and arrows.

12. And big sharp pointy needles.

13. Keep repeating it's the berries.

14. Yikes! It's Mother's Day!

15. Memories and moondust: it's (journal prom logo)

16. Courage!

17. Clean is the key.

18. Here comes the sun. There goes the sun.

19. Long days, short decades.

20. Postal. At last.

21. Two! Two! Two events in one day.

22. Walkaholic.

23. They call it mellow yellow for a reason.

24. Two days in one day.

25. Take tea and see.

26. And they thwam and they thwam ...

27. Nobody here but us brooms.

28. 1,000 pounds per leg.

29. Flag, waving.

30. Dreaming a little dream.

31. Sounds like an egg song.



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(cluster of roses) 

Thanks for stopping by and reading. See you tomorrow!

roses © M. Garren

email Shadow Lawn Press Street Mail

(rose on left)all verbiage © Nancy Hayfield Birnes (rose on right)