Pssst ... Wanna see my older stuff? Want to see my cute kids? Want to see me? Want to see my book? How about some other books? How about a recipe, cheap? Link to some other journals? Want to see the pros compose?
-- October 1999 -- --------------------------------------------
03. A glass of wine, a loaf of bread, and wow. 04. I'm flooded with happiness. 06. Why look! It's Gal Friday. 07. Raw, pathetic begging is so small. 08. It's worth these thousand words. 09. Thou should read this page. 10. A candle for the lives gone away. 11. This is a dog-eat-dog entry. 12. This is a lovely ghost story. 14. Don't put off 'till tomorrow ... 15. If I could save time in a box ... 18. Where men have gone before. 23. Aliens, and the people who love them.
email Shadow Lawn Press Street Mail
all verbiage © Nancy Hayfield Birnes