(perforated lines archive)








Pssst ...

Wanna see my older stuff?

Want to see my cute kids?

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How about some other books?

How about a recipe, cheap?

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Every day, no matter what ...

(men who cook!)

-- November 1999 --



01. Two girls, getting it on.

02. Only in my dreams.

03. Is it soup yet?

04. It was soup. It's gone now.

05. Sour grapes.

06. A pumpkin with an attitude.

07. The happiest day of the year.

08. And what did we learn today?

09. And what did we spend today?

10. And what did we eat today?

11. So, tell me about Reege.

12. Obsession!

13. Clap if you have a birthday.

14. Gold dust at your feet.

15. Wasn't Monday wash day?

16. Have you remembered today?

17. And forgotten how to fly?

18. But wait! There's more.

19. Take two; they're free.

20. Time and deadlines wait for no man.

21. Yoo-hoo! Can you see me?

22. What's a good word for ... ?

23. We're stocking up.

24. The Last Rigatoni

25. Stuffed full of thanks.

26. Leftovers! Come on, they're not so bad ...

27. Beyond the shadow of a dream.

28. Those fundamental things.

29. Between the dark and the daylight ...

30. Another earthquake.



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101: The California Journals

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Wanna find stuff?

You know -- where I've buried the bones?

(search man)

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email Shadow Lawn Press Street Mail


(left nov. icon) all verbiage © Nancy Hayfield Birnes (right nov. icon)