Tuesday, January 2, 2001
12:27 a.m. I admit it --
I've got nothing. Nothing nothing nothing at all. I've been
sitting here all day, sifting through info and still --
Today had that nasty tinge of Monday-ness to itself, and
I cringed every time something rang: phone, email, door,
microwave. A lot of people have vacation hangovers and it
shows. Tomorrow will be as sweet and mellow as today was
hard and cross. Just watch.
I've always noticed that the nicer people wait until
Monday or its equivalent is over before they check in and
say hello or ask a favor. They are the Tuesday people and
they are self-confident and accomplished. The Monday people,
on the other hand, are officious and insecure and they spend
their Mondays shifting the hot potatoes of blame.
Nonetheless, the day is over.
If I ever manage to get an ebookstore up and running, it
will be a combination of luck and miracles. I'm having a
terrible time trying to sort out the differences between
banks and merchants and ISPs and all the other thousand or
so entities that like to hide their fees inbetween mushy
explanations down at the bottom of long, un-Mac-friendly
I can safely say today that business sites are ruining
the web. They take forever to load, their fancy Javastuff
doesn't always work, and much of the time the important text
is cluttered, pale, or unreadable. Why, oh why do business
sites believe that all the information in their coffers must
be squeezed into three tab-infested columns on the front
Oh, but I complain. That's not very pleasant. How about
an explanation for that photo? Well, in keeping with the
emerging science-fiction theme for this month ... no ...
that's not going to fly ... actually, I came across it on
the web about a month or so ago and I totally thought it was
(is) real. But as I stare at it now, I have to admit that it
looks less and less real and more and more
Yes, I am that naive. I thought maybe George was a big
fan of the movie and with his connections, it's possible he
sat in for a photo-op. But he probably never wore a shirt
like that, or a bracelet ...
The first day back to work is always a little bumpy.