Sunday, January 14, 2001
12:51 a.m. I'm writing just a few lines as a placeholder,
because once again, all sorts of network connections have
gone ka-fluoie. Strange electrical things happen and there's
not much a poor simple flesh-and-blood person can do.
Last evening there was a small earthquake way over in the
valley and although we didn't actually feel it here, I did
hear something strange on the roof area -- it sounded like a
big bird with huge flapping wings had landed near the
chimney stacks or directly onto the skylight. I think it was
the chimney flexing -- but it was an odd sound, with no
other movement.
My new mail program is working pretty well, except for
the sudden network outage for the last hour or so. I was all
set to be creative, and as you already know, creativity is a
function of confidence ... and when the connectivity rug is
pulled out from under one, one looses it. All of it.
More later ... just posting to prove I'm still on the
planet. Photo to follow.