(Perforated Lines--you can't resist 'em)

(left arrow) Thursday, January 25, 2001 (right arrow)


10:04 a.m. It occurs to me (it's morning, after all) that I've been making a lot of references and stray innuendoes these past few days, but not giving the appropriate links, if any. Posting late at night, falling face down on the keyboard will sap one's nit-pickiness, but come the morning ... come the coffee ... come the Leftover Log!

Here are some of the things I've mumbled about or referred obliquely to, or in general neglected to point the way to:

First of all, there's the guy who says wheat will kill you, if the hot dogs don't get you first: Dr. Graham.

10:44 p.m. Obviously, I became sidetracked, so many of the leftovers will have to keep until tomorrow. The point is that I've been leaving a lot of things half-done, half-baked, half-thought-out ... and I want to provide some closure.

To whit: the radio station I've been listening to at night is KPFK, the Pacifica Network. It's been filling my head with all sorts of left-leaning ideas and fomentations. Wacky fun times in these electrically-deprived times.

Now, I have to confess that I think I've eaten too much rich and/or junk food because I really have an upset stomach and a general feeling of malaise and yuck. I'm going to retire and slap a heating pad on the affected parts and moan and groan, at least as long as the electricity holds out.

More leftovers tomorrow. My granny was a whiz with them -- and that's the first leftover story I must tell. In fact, if I wander the halls later this evening, I'm coming right to the machine to type it in.



(spinning balls)

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(left dancer) all verbiage © Nancy Hayfield Birnes (right dancer)