Friday, January 26, 2001
10:10 p.m. Still
feeling pretty lousy. In and out of bed all day and sick and
all that -- misery would abound except for one thing:
flannel sheets!
Like many new modern inventions, I'd heard of them and
known they existed and all, but I was hesitant. Scared to
try them. What if they were strange, scratchy, weird,
unsatisfying, clammy, uncouth? But, we happened to be in a
store last night and there happened to be this wad of plaid
all taped up with wide Scotch tape ... a big sale item, it
practically fell into my hands, begging to be
Very very cheap -- what could it hurt to try it? Plus it
was a gorgeous plaid and I love plaid.
I really haven't wanted to get out of bed since. Lucky
for me that I've been legitimately sick. No one could accuse
me of slacking, but let me say -- flannel is the way beds
should be made in the winter. Flannel sheets stay together
and they envelop you. No cold spots anywhere. Cuddly, very
very cuddly. It's so warm and jammie, you're halfway to
sleep before you even know what's happening to you.
I am deliriously happy with these new flannel sheets. Not
pillow cases, mind you -- pillows should always be cold. I
don't know why, but they must. But from the neck down, it's
toast and I'm really not feeling too well as I sit here
writing about it, you know?
Must go. Koff. Koff. Did I mention that it's been raining
and windy all day? Yup. Achoo.
Gee -- time for bed, already?