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-- April 2000 --

(white sail in the mid-afternoon)




01. When you walk down the street.

02. When you clean up the yard.

03. The other white meat.

04. Sunny thoughts on pipes.

05. And pennies from heaven.

06. Love means never having your say.

07. Going tangentially into the good night.

08. Strangers in the night, exchanging urls.

09. It's how you say it.

10. I've got them coming and going.

11. Men at work, work at many.

12. Getting physical-ish.

13. The behinder I get.

14. With the sun and the moon as guides.

15. A nice Saturday nibble.

16. Dancing in the Street.

17. Yo, ho. Heave-ho.

18. If I could save time ...

19. A night different.

20. It only takes a moment.

21. Good Friday.

22. Peep show.

23. All the frills.

24. At least they're fresh.

25. One potato, two potato ...

26. What a grind!

27. E-Z plumbing while U wait.

28. 196 eyeballs never blink.

29. Out and about and out again.

30. Spilling the beanbrew. (on display logo)

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Going fishing?

(fish eat fish) 

Thank's for coming aboard. Thanks for reading. See you tomorrow!

email Shadow Lawn Press Street Mail

(left fish)all verbiage © Nancy Hayfield Birnes (right fish)