(the perforated lines archive)(dance)







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Wanna see me?

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-- August 2000 --

(august full of daisies)


01. A wall of daisies.

02. A pillar of stone.

03. Happy days are here again.

04. TGIF.

05. Behind the facade is another facade.

06. But things are moving along.

07. Looks can kill.

08. Dogs are sleeping -- let them.

09. They're falling out of the sky.

10. And I'm wearing slippers.

11. Cleaning the back of the house.

12. Cool! The Democrats are in town!

13. And everybody is getting ready.

14. Gas masks all in place ...

15. Too good; too true.

16. My plan for world domination.

17. Real life goes on.

18. Good old daytime TV.

19. Second verse, same as the first.

20. Really. I'm starting to like it.

21. Exclusive! Rat photos!

22. The nesting instinct.

23. I know the winner!

24. Through the glass, starkly.

25. The eyes of the beholders.

26. Stocking up on stock.

27. Onward, the ducks.

28. Whine and roses.

29. As gentle rain from heaven.

30. Always eat the icing first.

31. Gay for a Day. (on display logo)



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 (kiss kiss)

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(dance left)all verbiage © Nancy Hayfield Birnes (dance left)