(the perforated lines archive)







Pssst ...

Wanna see my older stuff?

Wanna see me?

Tour the community?

-- September 2000 --

(books, books)


01. A wall of books.

02. I build a mighty gif.

03. I venture out and about. Oh joy.

04. Few words; big tongue.

05. Dreams and schemes and screams.

06. And circus clowns.

07. And now, a word from our rulers.

08. It's a blonde moment.

09. It's a beautiful moment.

10. Moment by moment.

11: Announcing: A vacation!

18. Gaaa. No more vacation.

19. A fine row of tomatoes.

20. TV from the inside out.

21. Flotillas in the mist.

22. Mountains of youth.

23. Spending a Saturday carefully.

24. Half 'n half.

25. Big tree keeps on growing.

26. Gardenia Bush.

27. Get me rewind.

28. If it's good enough for cheese ...

29. We now sail gracefully into the New Year.

30. Sins. Water. Dissolve to white.



Journal Rings 

Open Pages << < random > >>

Daily Dose < > Daily Journal Chronicles < random list >

Memoir Journals << < random list > >> Smart And Lazy < random list >

The Amalgam < random list > On Display << < list > >>

< A-Ward >

 (search by moto)

Searching and researching?

Tomorrow will be here shortly. It will be even shorter than today.

email street mail

(left)all verbiage © Nancy Hayfield Birnes (right)