(perforated lines archive)










Pssst ...

Wanna see my older stuff?

Wanna see me?

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-- June 2000 --

(june cartoon)


01. A bird in hand.

02. The deviled is in the details.

03. American marriage.

04. Home, home in the Range.

05. It's a jungle in here.

06. Open says me.

07. Dinner and a movie.

08. Tomorrowland. A nice place to visit.

09. Muscle bitch.

10. Forty-one and counting.

11. Do the name ... Ruby Begonia ...

12. It's just a matter of time.

13. When round chairs happen to square people.

14. He shall survive. I shall watch.

15. Things alphabetical, parenthetical.

16. Well, it should be a national holiday ...

17. It's national Fireman are Cute day.

18. Rollerblading as a life skill.

19. Head in gray clouds.

20. So, this is how Eve must have felt.

21. Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes!!!

22. And then it's just another ducky day.

23. Hurrying up and waiting.

24. Fountain blew.

25. Falling water, recirculated.

26. Another one of them crazy mad dog Mondays.

27. Another one of them calmer Tuesdays. I like Tuesdays.

28. Robotic aliens invade!

29. A passion nota.

30. That's it, then.


Journal Rings 

Open Pages<<< random >>>

Daily Dose < random >Daily Journal Chronicles< randomlist >

Memoir Journals<<<randomlist >>>Smart And Lazy< randomlist >

The Amalgam< ramdom list >On Display << < list > >>


(lave lamp) 

Looking for a lava in all the wrong places? Try searching here.

Thanks for reading along with me. See you tomorrow!

email Shadow Lawn Press Street Mail

all verbiage © Nancy Hayfield Birnes