(perforated lines)








Float by the past?

Check out the writer?

Navigate the community?


(april sail)



























01. Bubbling up from below.

02. Congealing on the surface.

03. Afterglow. Drool.

04. He's a coal man.

05. But cute.

06. And now, beautiful!

07. A night that's different.

08. Everything; plus the kitchen sink.

09. More flowers, less thought.

10. Striking the striping.

11. Chewing the fat.

12. Wet and wonderful.

13. Dark and dreary.

14. Mixing it up.

15. Hopping for the best.

16. Rooted in the past.

17. Nothing to see here.

18. I bring you some shrubbery.

19. Just the surface.

20. Another reason not to floss.

21. Gone with the daytime.

22. Cat came back.

23. Full to the brim with purple.

24. Real things.

25. Quick things. Purple thing.

26. Rubbery things.

27. ... working ...

28. Marginal.

29. Back on top again. (on display)

30. Time to book on out of here.


Journal Rings

Open Pages << < random > >>

Daily Dose < > Daily Journal Chronicles < random list >

Memoir Journals << < random list > >> Smart And Lazy < random list >

The Amalgam < random list > On Display << < list > >>

< A-Ward >

yesterday? search? hello? notify? map? old? index? tomorrow?

Shadow Lawn Press Cheaper and Better iBachelor

all verbiage © Nancy Hayfield Birnes